We have received the highest score in Mersin for the last 6 years in the Health Quality Assessment carried out by the Ministry of Health.
DetailÖzel Yenişehir Hastanesi
Mersin Metropolitan Municipality continues its informative and awareness-raising trainings on occupational health and safety for its personnel. In this context, a training on “Use of Chemical, Corrosive, Irritating Substances, Working at Height and Wiping Glass” was organized by the Education Branch Directorate of the Human Resources and Education Department.
The training organized for the personnel responsible for cleaning, air conditioning maintenance-repair-installation-disassembly operations and the tea shop personnel affiliated to the Support Services Department was held in 2 sessions.
In the first session of the training, which was held in cooperation with Mersin Private Yenişehir Hospital to raise awareness and awareness of the personnel on cleaning, hygiene, occupational health and safety, Internal Trainer and OHS Specialist Dr. Ali Özkurt, 'What is Occupational Health and Safety?', 'The Purpose of Occupational Health and Safety', 'What is Occupational Disease? He gave information on the topics of 'What are the Causes?', 'Near Misses', 'Matters to be Considered in Terms of Occupational Health and Safety in Cleaning and Tea Furnace Works'.
In addition, 'Chemical Hazards in Cleaning Works', 'Exposure Ways of Chemical Substances', 'Measures Against Physical Hazards in Cleaning Works', 'Biological Risks', 'Ergonomic Risks', 'What Are the Psychosocial Risks and Precautions to Be Taken', 'Caution for Workers in Tea Rooms' Matters to be Considered', 'Matters to be Considered in Cleaning Works' and 'Personal Protective Equipment to be Used in Working at Height' were discussed.
In the second session of the training, Nurse Trainer Nuşize Altun working at Private Mersin Yenişehir Hospital, 'What is Hygiene?', 'Hygiene in the Pandemic Period', 'Importance of Hand Hygiene', 'What Should Be Considered While Cleaning During the Pandemic Period?', 'What Should the Staff Take? He provided important information on the topics of 'Precautions', 'Measures to be Taken by Cleaning Personnel', 'How Should Work Clothes During Pandemic Period Be?'.
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